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A 4-part Comprehensive FaceOff teaching series hosted on Zoom featuring Greg Gurenlian & Jerry Ragonese. These sessions are aimed at lacrosse coaches of all levels looking to better understand the position, how to manage it while progressing their FaceOff men.
Session 1: Managing your FO unit
- Practice planning
- Depth chart
- Ego and in season game planning
Session 2: Standing Neutral Grip
- Stance
- Warmup
- Offensive Moves
- Defensive Moves
Session 3: Wing Play
- Pre/Post Whistle line ups
- Standard Base sets
- Premeditated Plays
- Counter sets
Session 4: Knee Down Technique
- Stance
- Warmup
- 1st and 2nd move
- 50/50 Ball
- Exit Strategies
- Counters
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